Noisy buggers
So, they say that you should go to the country side, in this case Littondale, and enjoy the fresh air, views and quiet. Your browser does not support the audio tag. Well, when nature starts waking at 4am,…
So, they say that you should go to the country side, in this case Littondale, and enjoy the fresh air, views and quiet. Your browser does not support the audio tag. Well, when nature starts waking at 4am,…
Hr Sort, aka Mr Black, is a very common nick name for the local blackbird in Denmark. At my parents there has been one sitting on the neighbours’ roof for going on 40 years, every night and every morning,…
Was moaning a bit when our dog woke me up at 4:40am for a nature call. Your browser does not support the audio tag. Couldn’t really get angry with her, as I got to hear and see this, even though my bed…
We were cycling the Queen Charlotte trail in NZ. Every morning we got woken up to this. Kicked off at about 3:30am and by 4:15am it was at a fever pitch, with no chance of falling back asleep. Some of…